
God is King: Understanding an Israelite Metaphor is unavailable, but you can change that!

This is the first attempt in biblical studies to apply the tools developed by theoreticians of metaphor to the common biblical metaphor of God as king. The extent to which elements of human kingship are projected onto God is investigated, and several significant conclusions emerge: • Royal characteristics that have a diminutive connotation are generally not projected onto God. • God’s...

INTRODUCTION The image of God as king is no longer evocative to most readers of the Bible. Monarchy is no longer the powerful and predominant political system that it once was in the ancient world. ‘The kingship of God’ has been overused in religious rhetoric; it has lost the vivid associations that it might have carried in ancient Israel. It is this set of associations that the current work sets out to recover. The kingship of God is among the most overworked topics in biblical research; studies
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